Monday, March 2, 2009

Hulless popcorn

Hulless Popcorn defined~
There is really no such thing as a truly hulless popcorn. All popcorn has a hull, which is what holds the popcorn together. When a kernel of popcorn explodes, it sort of turns inside out. If us look at the darker inside of the popped popcorn us will see where the hull went.
Hulless variety popcorn is a smaller kernel popcorn that generally has a more tender hull. When it pops, the hull breaks up into smaller pieces and does not get noticed by getting into your teeth. Hulless popcorn also has the reputation of being digested easier. If you are considering hulless popcorn because of Diverticulosis you should consult your doctor, we make no claims of digestibility for medical problems.
Ok,that all about hulles popcorn.

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Hulless Popcorn

pi5 There are varieties of popcorn that have less noticeable hulls in the final popped popcorn, but there are no varieties that are completely hull-less. the smaller the unpopped kernel, the less hulls there will be after it is popped, and the ones that do remain will be very small, thin and delicate. Our Baby White, Medium White and Yellow Lady Finger Popcorn varieties have been developed to produce the smallest kernel possible, thus producing very few, if any noticeable hulls after popping.All popcorn has hulls, because popcorn must have a hull in order to pop.