Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hulless Popcorn Reviews


Natural hulless, hull-less, or hulless popcorn. Regardless of how you spell it, what's so special about it?
Technically, there is no such thing as hulless popping corn, since the hull is the skin that holds the kernel together.

The only true hull-less popcorn is that "foam" they extrude that resembles and tastes like buttered packing peanuts (We know your mouth is watering already!).
Hulless popping corn is specially bred to have the smallest, thinnest, most fragile hull of all varieties of popcorn.

The hull is either completely destroyed, broken into small pieces or blown off of the kernel during the popping process. The "downside" is that the kernels are relatively small compared to other hybrid popping corn on today's market, but the REALLY BIG UPSIDE is that people with diverticulitis or other digestive disorders can once again EAT POPCORN without difficulty!

Therefore, we have acquired quite a spectacular following of those popcorn loving souls who can once again indulge in that light, fluffy, buttery, flavor filled delight that some refer to as "just a snack"!
Our Baby White is a miniature kernel, easy to digest and referred to as hull-less. This is our favorite hybrid for those who suffer with diverticulitis and other associated disorders. We have many loyal customers who purchase our Baby White on a very regular basis, which makes it our most popular product.
When you haven't been able to have "real" popcorn for years, Baby White is truly amazing!

For those who are suffering from dental restrictions like dentures, braces, orthodontics or other fragile dental work, popcorn is no longer the enemy. Orthodontist practices are recommending hull-less popcorn too! We have had personal requests from customers whose dentists are recommending hulless pop-corn for those with braces or other difficulties with the "hull" of the pop corn getting stuck in teeth.

If you have tried the Baby White in the past and wish to try the next size up please try our Regular Popping Corn selections to see what other high quality varieties are available.
Once again our sensitive customers have returned to the popcorn scene! They LOVE hulless popcorn, and boy do they have a lot of friends.

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Hulless Popcorn

pi5 There are varieties of popcorn that have less noticeable hulls in the final popped popcorn, but there are no varieties that are completely hull-less. the smaller the unpopped kernel, the less hulls there will be after it is popped, and the ones that do remain will be very small, thin and delicate. Our Baby White, Medium White and Yellow Lady Finger Popcorn varieties have been developed to produce the smallest kernel possible, thus producing very few, if any noticeable hulls after popping.All popcorn has hulls, because popcorn must have a hull in order to pop.